Computer Network
A computer Network is defined as two or more computing devices linked together to community sharing informant cpiles and software program and other other
hardware resources (printer’s hard disks)
Advantages of using computer network
some of the advantages of using computer network are
resource sharing mast input ions cannot afford enough laser printing fax machine modems scanners and cd-rom players from each computer however if these peripherals are added to network they can be shared by all users in a node (computer are in a network is known as a node
centralized control and management
the entire computer in the network are normally connected to a server which defines the
policy and security measures for the resources used by the network members.
speed and cost-effective communication in computer network the transfor of
message from one computer to another is very fast with in few second
backup and recovery Data are secarelay handled by the server and provide the
mechanism for the backup in other devices with the use of the computer
Network it is also used to recovery the data through the server.
Flexible access Network allows people to easily access their files form
any computer throughout the network workgroup computing it allows many user work with together
Disadvantages of using computer network
some disadvantage of using computers network
expensive:- for connecting computers some extra devices and resources lines nic hub, cables are required which increases the cost of operation.
Security problem:- data are shared in a public
Medium so extra precaution is needed
For secure transmission
Needs special technical knowledge;- skilled manpower
Is required to establish maintain and operate a network system
Network failure network fuller may hamper the day of the organization activities.
The network itself is difficult to
Establish manage and operate.
Application of computer network
Business application
In business using
Computer network organization can
Easily share its resources information
Software and many other hatwork
Like printed scanner etc
It also used to communication.
Marketing education data meaning customer relation etc.
Home Application
In home application computer
Network are used to accession the
To find news information ideas or tutorials improve their knowledge and learn new thing.
Mobile application
In mobile computer network
Is easy to setup so people are easily
Use these types of computer devices.
To find the information or ideas shaurin etc by the internet
By using complete network many
Organization of communication can be sand and receive the messages information ideas views etc
E-commerce means selling and
Baying the goods over the internet
This of computer network
#type of computer network
Based on geographical area coverage geographical spread the computer network is classified into three basic types
1 lan local area network lan
2 metropolitan area network man
3 wide area networks wan
1 Lan local area network Lan is the interconnection of computer in a limited geographical area like in a single room room within a building or building one site
Advantage of the Lan
Data transmission speed is faster than man and wan
It has higher security to resources of the network
It is cheaper to establish
It is easier to establish manage operate
Disadvantage of the Lan
It is limited only to a small are
It computer a small number of computer
Lack of backup provision to man and wan
2) metropolitan area network (man)
Metropolitan area network man is extended up to Caty ora larger geographical area thean the Lan a man connect several Lans it is used to connect multiple system or networks with to connect several Lans it is used to connect multiple system or networks with in a single Caty a cable tv network is an example of man
Advantage of man
It is spread to larger Area them lan
It is connect dissimilar system and network
Public libraries and government agencies typically used a man
# Disadvantage of man
1) it uses Expensive devices than used in the lan
2) data transmission speed is slower computer to the Lan
3) it is complex to Establish manage and provide security
4) it is expensive to run that lan
3) wide area network wan
Wide area network wan used to interconnect computer spread to it a larger geographical area like in separate cities or countries It connects multiple smaller network Such as locAl area network Lans or Metropolitan area network mans Communication is usually done through satellite microwave system or optical fibers
#advantage of wan
1) it is spread to larger Area are than lan and man
2) it connects larger number of complete than lan and man
3) it connects dissimilar system and Network
4) it provide the facilities found the facilities found in lan and man
# disadvantage of wan
1) It uses comparatively expensive devices than uses comparatively expensive devices than used in lan and man transmissions speed is usually shower then lan man
It is complex to establish manage & provide security.